Tuesdays with Dorie: Tiramisu Cake

Dear Dorie,

Thank you for ruining my resolve. All those laps I’ve put in at the pool? Gone. I thought I didn’t like cake. You’ve proved me wrong yet again.

Sincerely yours, Babette

Okay. Maybe not. But…well, what is not to like here? My heart fell a bit, because I am, if nothing else, a lazy baker and this had step after step after step..but not really. Not if you really read the thing (and hey, I’ve made Dorie’s brioche. If I can stick with it through all that, surely I can make a little cake, right?)….The steps are simple ones. The cake bakes up lovely (even without the vanilla. Trust me on that one. A little thing I forget all too often.)…The frosting is a really nice combo of mascarpone and whipped cream..I love how you soak the layers (I used rum…Love me some rum.)…And then build the cake.

This is a killer cake. A cake to take to parties. People will really think you worked all night on this.

Head over to TWD to check out the other blogs, and special thanks to Megan of My Baking Adventures for picking this cake, which I would have avoided (thinking it too complicated) otherwise.

Look: The mark of a well-loved book:
(or a sloppy cook!)

0 thoughts on “Tuesdays with Dorie: Tiramisu Cake

  1. MacDuff

    I know!!! This cake totally and completely ruined my resolve, too. She does this to me every week…

    By the way, I loved the movie Babette’s Feast. I even read the book, I think. And after that, I always wanted to be called Babette in French class.

  2. MacDuff

    I know!!! This cake totally and completely ruined my resolve, too. She does this to me every week…

    By the way, I loved the movie Babette’s Feast. I even read the book, I think. And after that, I always wanted to be called Babette in French class.

  3. Kara

    I agree – this cake was far easier than it looked. I made mine into cupcakes which took me FOREVER, but mostly that was me. I realized that it was actually quite easy and would have been done in 1/4 of the time or less had I stuck with the orginal cake! 🙂

  4. Kara

    I agree – this cake was far easier than it looked. I made mine into cupcakes which took me FOREVER, but mostly that was me. I realized that it was actually quite easy and would have been done in 1/4 of the time or less had I stuck with the orginal cake! 🙂

  5. Leslie

    Looks beautiful, Babette. I had talked myself out of making it since it looked involved and I was busy, but it really was a snap to put together. Dorie is killing our diets!

  6. Leslie

    Looks beautiful, Babette. I had talked myself out of making it since it looked involved and I was busy, but it really was a snap to put together. Dorie is killing our diets!


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