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MY Secrets…

As the blogathon winds down (how can that be?), I’ve decided to share some dirty secrets with you, my dear readers, that mark me as occasionally having extremely, and I do mean extremely, pedestrian tastes in some cases…so, in no particular order, things that I choose to share with you…

1. For a few years, one of the staples in my 3-kid, 20-activities household was a Banquet Chicken and Dumplings slow-cooker meal (from the freezer case). I put the stuff in. Maybe I added milk? (can’t remember) and turned it was simple. And beyond lazy. And my kids LOVED it…

2. I harbor fantasies of moving to some other country to work, cook, write, cook, have friends over, cook for friends, eat, shop for food, cook more. A lot of countries qualify for this…No one has done a food book from Argentina, right? Sign me up.

3. I like hot dogs. But I like GOOD hot dogs (Bests. Nathan’s.)..and if you are worried about cooking for me, fear not…most cooks/chefs I know just LOVE it when someone cooks for them.

4. I like Rachael Ray. I wish I WERE Rachael Ray. There, I said it. At least she’s not faking it.

5. If Martha Stewart offered me a job tomorrow (hint hint, Ms S.), I would chuck it all and be on the next plane to NYC…

6. Ditto Gourmet. Oh, wait. Someone thought that wasn’t worthy…WTF?

7. I have some happy places. Dean and Deluca. Sur La Table. Wms. Sonoma. Okay, any kitchen goods store, even the commercial ones…HARDWARE STORES–amazing things found there!

8. I think I could eat eggs for breakfast every day of the week.

9. I am always on the lookout for great CHEAP bottles of wine. And I’m not offended by the screwtop (although I prefer the romance of the REAL cork…)

10. My family is made up of a few picky eaters, Mr. Babette especially, and it drives. me. nuts. Bones in chicken? Hard work, getting that chicken off those bones… Anything but white meat? No thanks, I’m not hungry…Grass fed beef? Tastes weird, says he…

11. I LOVE…love, love, love McD’s hash browns. There. I said it. Starch. Grease. Salt. Crunch. (what’s a trifecta with four things? A quadfecta? Then that is what this is for me…)…No, I don’t get them, but if someone offers me a bite? I’m not saying no.

12. I hate fake flavors–grape? Blech. Fake banana? Double blech. But. I LOVE Jolly Ranchers Fake Watermelon-Flavored hard candies..

Okay, I’ve asked my visiting bloggers about their secrets…some love candy. Some didn’t share…but now it’s your turn…go on, I’ll keep it between you and me…