What Makes a Popular Post?

We are on the downward slope of the blogathon!! As usual, I’ve enjoyed it. I like thinking about it, coming up with ideas, really keeping tabs on the thoughts I have as I go through life just so I can sit down and write a few words about one thought or another.

I have enjoyed sharing watercolors and photos with my blog readers..

That said, I’m always curious what posts prove most popular–If you are wondering, too, here are the top five Babette Feasts posts of the month:

1. Rules to Break in the Kitchen. This post was top post when I wrote it before–it was a re-blogged post..does this mean we are all kitchen rebels?

2. Guest Poster Charmian Christie–she’s fun, funny and has a following of her own at Christie’s Corner, so she brought readers. Note to self: have more guest posters.

3. Second Act: Barb, Triathlete. I think this resonated with other women AND it was picked up as a link on Second Act’s own page. Again, broadening the audience, linking to other spots and having others link back is always a good idea.

4. Calendar Watch. This post marked the one-year anniversary of my brother’s death. For better or for worse, the blogathon, if held in May, will always mark the anniversary of his death. I think it is for better, as I can share the good memories and remind myself to bake some bread or make some homemade pizza, as I did this year. I think, again, this post just touched a lot of readers.

5. Five New Things–this is about great things I found to eat or to use in the kitchen. Again–a list, useful info, and a little bit of fun.

What were your top-read posts? Why do you think they were popular?

Editing to add that Jackie Dishner, a.k.a. The Bike Lady took today to look at blog stats, too…great minds and all that…

0 thoughts on “What Makes a Popular Post?

  1. Annette Gendler

    Indeed, I was looking to see what your posts have in common, and it's not exactly one thing. Guest posts help, right, because you'll get traffic from other blogs. Lists are obviously popular, too.

  2. Annette Gendler

    Indeed, I was looking to see what your posts have in common, and it's not exactly one thing. Guest posts help, right, because you'll get traffic from other blogs. Lists are obviously popular, too.

  3. Anjuli

    the links are always a great thing in a blog post- both ways (for you and the one you are linking too)

    I think I enjoyed ALL your posts- but I did enjoy the lists ones– esp when you gave helpful tips on stuff in the kitchen.

  4. Jackie Dishner

    Thanks for the mention, Barb. I love that you can make the blogathon during month of May a positive way to remember your brother. I love that you realize you can take charge of the memories in this way.


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