Hooray for Tuesday with Dorie! Hooray for Espresso Cheesecake Brownies.

I open with a Cheesecake Brownie Abstract.

And hooray for hitting the gym, but that is so not what this post is about.

You know, my good friend Rachel moved away (you know who you are, Rachel). I blame her. Because when Rachel moved, her whole family moved with her (umm, of course). At least I knew Mike and Michael (husband, son) would eat my Tuesdays with Dorie goods. But now? Guess I’d better call Brady (my one “young” friend). He’s been known to enjoy a dessert or two at my hands.

It’s tough, you know? I could eat the entire pan. No, really, I am SO not joking.

But I won’t. Eat every last brownie, that is. One, sure. Two? Probably a bad idea.


It has been way too hot to cook this summer and I’ve been running around a bit, but the truth is? I really miss cooking when I find myself too busy to do it. I’ve finally dug my heels and and refused to eat out. It’s mediocre. REALLY. So…let’s take the time to do something fun. Tonight I did two somethings fun:
1. Tuesdays With Dorie
2. Ming Tsai’s Dumplings from Blue Ginger cookbook (more about that in another blog post).

These brownie’s were oh-such-a-nice-way to return to baking. Brownies are reasonably easy for someone as baking challenged as I am and these are incredible (okay, truth be told, I haven’t actually eaten one yet, because they are cooling for 2 hours in the fridge before I top them with even. more. sour. cream. But the coffee flavored cheesecake batter went really nicely with a dollop of the brownie batter! Love me some raw eggs…)
When I DID finally get around to assembly? Oh, heaven. The coffee flavor is there and the consistency of the cheesecake part is silky and smoth. Cut these into very small square because they are RICH. Enjoy with un cortado. And savor every crumb. Then share with as many people as possible: you will make them very happy.

(Final aside. I think I’d stop before the sour cream next time. It had an almost fake taste to it–so much so that I double checked and made sure I used full fat, good stuff…but hey, thems the breaks, right? If I make this again, I’m thinking a drizzle of chocolate over all. This is the kind of cheesecake they cut up, dip in chocolate and freeze on a stick. Decadence.)

(Really the final aside–after this sat overnight and the sour cream firmed up it lost that odd taste that made if fakey. I love it super chilled and firmer. That said, I still think I might forego it in the future, if for not other reason than the espresso cheesecake part of this is so fabulous.)

Recipe is up at Melissa’s Life in a Peanut Shell. And check out TWD for the blog roll and all the other bakers.

0 thoughts on “Hooray for Tuesday with Dorie! Hooray for Espresso Cheesecake Brownies.

  1. Pamela

    Cheesecake on a stick! Now there's a brilliant idea! Yum. Glad you got to bake and cook. And I'm glad you loved these brownies! I skipped the topping, I just didn't see a reason. Nice job!

  2. Pamela

    Cheesecake on a stick! Now there's a brilliant idea! Yum. Glad you got to bake and cook. And I'm glad you loved these brownies! I skipped the topping, I just didn't see a reason. Nice job!

  3. Palidor

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Those brownies look awesome! I'm glad you've had warm weather this summer. The weather where I live has SUCKED… cold and rainy for most of the summer!

  4. Palidor

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Those brownies look awesome! I'm glad you've had warm weather this summer. The weather where I live has SUCKED… cold and rainy for most of the summer!

  5. Valerina

    Welcome back to the world of baking! I liked the sour cream frosting but sometimes confectioners sugar can make something taste 'fake'. Check the ex. date, and be sure it has not been sitting open for too long. I learned this lesson the hard way. 🙂

    Your brownies look lovely!

  6. Valerina

    Welcome back to the world of baking! I liked the sour cream frosting but sometimes confectioners sugar can make something taste 'fake'. Check the ex. date, and be sure it has not been sitting open for too long. I learned this lesson the hard way. 🙂

    Your brownies look lovely!

  7. Rachel

    Ha – love your post! I have an entire pan sitting in the fridge and even though it is not my favorite, it's still chocolate. I need to find some friends to eat it. Perhaps your Rachel wants to try this Rachel's brownies?

  8. Rachel

    Ha – love your post! I have an entire pan sitting in the fridge and even though it is not my favorite, it's still chocolate. I need to find some friends to eat it. Perhaps your Rachel wants to try this Rachel's brownies?


    I'm gaining weight just looking at the pictures, Barb. This blog is going to be trouble for me, I'm sure. 😉

    Seriously. Love the look of those brownies. Would rather do the taste thing. How about a care package? LOL


    I'm gaining weight just looking at the pictures, Barb. This blog is going to be trouble for me, I'm sure. 😉

    Seriously. Love the look of those brownies. Would rather do the taste thing. How about a care package? LOL

  11. SiHaN

    i do agree with you that these brownies were irresistable despite my little mishap as well. but oh my gosh.. i think i finished 1/4 of the entire pan.. OMG!

  12. SiHaN

    i do agree with you that these brownies were irresistable despite my little mishap as well. but oh my gosh.. i think i finished 1/4 of the entire pan.. OMG!


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